Fine Arts: Sculpture - Transmedial Space

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Building a sculpture


Clubhouse, Bunker, Facade

in summer 2020 at the Sculpture Park Graz

Credits: Jan Weiler

Presentation of the sculpture workshops

Plaster, wood, metal

Camera: Elijas Wallner

Edeting: Clara Boesl

Concept, Actors: Jan Weiler, Johanna Liska, Tina Grassegger, Benny Thile, Elisabeth Eiter, Elijas Wallner, Clara Boesl

+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24

+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To the study

Tilt something over, throw it up and repeat a hundred times. Caress the moon. Taking something out of the structure. Digesting something and excreting it again. Bake a tractor. Not starting something.

We are looking for fellow hummers in the field of art. In the space of sculpture, for example, and where it can all be.

The goals of the training here are a letting go and falling through, so that one's own plum falls from the tree and the thought ripens to the mold. An initial ignition to unleash the energy that drives one forward, in one's own specific direction.
Empathy for materials and vibrations of space and context interference patterns.

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Locations of the University of Arts Linz





Study and admission

Site of sculpture -
transmedial space

Domgasse 1 | Basement and 1st floor | 4020 Linz