Fine Arts: Experimental Design

Logo Open Day

+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies

+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24

+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To the study

The experimental art curriculum focuses on strategies of artistic production and their implementation rather than on a single medium or a clearly defined artistic outcome.


The focus is on a variety of media, such as video, photography, film, sound, drawing, performance and computer-aided techniques.
If you haven't guessed yet, this curriculum is open to ... (drum roll) ... experimentation.

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Location of the Experimental Design

Domgasse 1 | 1st and 2nd floor | 4020 Linz